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Blog EntryMay 31, '12 6:18 AM
by Torleiv for everyone


On the web you can read several places that the Albin Ballad is "rated as an ocean cruiser"
or "klassifisert som oseangående"

Does anyone know anything about who did this rating or classification? can it be documented?


jespermilling wrote on May 31
I think it is just an "A" rating from the european union, and it is solely based on a calculation of stability, most modern yachts have this rating. But please investigate further on the net.
ydalir wrote on May 31
might be, but this rating system, ISO, I guess i fairly new. And all new boats are rated. If the ballad is rated in this system somebody must have must have done a job and payed some money - guess it's not free getting a EU certification?

If this is just a rumor, based on som stability calculation - I would like to see the gz curve.
sail24hrs wrote on May 31
Nowadays yachts which are sold new or which are new for the EU market have to have a CE type certificate. Classifications vary from A (oceangoing) to D suitable for secluded waters and small waves. In the days when the Ballads were build CE was unknown. To get a CE certificate on a excisting boat or yacht (for instance when one would like to import a yacht from the USA to Europe) is very expensive. This can only be done by a notified body' and they charge heavily. Be prepared to pay up to a couple of thousand euro's.
To my knowledge therefore the Ballad can't officially be rated as Ocean Cruiser to modern standards. However Ballads have been used for long distance ocean cruises on many occasions. I'm sure all those owners will asure you that the Ballad is a proven ocean going design, with plenty of stability and a strong construction.
ydalir wrote on May 31
ok would have been cool though - getting the official A rating on the Ballad. couple of thousand euros aint mutch divided by 1500 or how many ballads are out there:-)
Anyways, was reading about the Contessa, and all the brag about it's stability curve, and started to wonder how the ballad's curve would look like, and then if it was rated - one might excist - but I guess not.. thanks for the anwers.
sail24hrs wrote on May 31
Let's put it this way; I would feel much saver on a 30 ft Albin Ballad on the ocean in wind force 8+ then, for instance, a 34 ft Bavaria which is standard rated as a Cat. A design...

Just out of curiosity; why are you so much into this subject. Is it because of insurance matters, or are you thinking about importing a Ballad from abroad?

Best regards,

Frans van der Wel
ydalir wrote on May 31
Hi Frans
No, nothin like that, it was just out of curiousity - On both the Swedish and Danish Ballad asscosiations websites you can read that the boat is rated class A. So I thought maybe this could be documented.

ydalir wrote on May 31
Hi Frans
No, nothing like that, it was just out of curiosity - On both the Swedish and Danish Ballad associations websites you can read that the boat is rated class A. So I thought maybe this could be documented.

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