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Blog EntryMay 2, '07 11:07 AM
by patentnick1 for everyone

Hi there:


I’ve moved this subject to the Technical Section/ Accommodation so that it’s easier for people to follow.  I believe, it will generate a lot of comments.  My original LPG installation was very rudimentary, almost like an accident waiting to happen. So, a few years ago, I built a box out or marine plywood, which I epoxied, painted and bolted to the aft platform.  The box has a metal nipple on the bottom which directs overboard. The gas regulator is manifolded into two oulets—one for the rail-mounted barbecue and one for the galley stove. For the latter, the flexible gas pipe exits the box and enters the deck through waterproof glands and runs through electrical conduit all the way to about 40cm of the stove. That way, it is totally protected and nothing can rub against it. Also, when I use the stove, I make sure to switch off the supply at the regulator while the stove is still on, so as to make sure no gas remains in the pipe.  This is a bit of a belt-and-braces approach but with LPG you can never be too careful.  Unfortunately, I don’t have detailed photos of my installation, just a fuzzy photo of the box and another one of the electrical conduit through which the pipe runs to the stove.  However, I can post some detailed photos soon since the pipe has to be renewed anyway.



Moments of Clarity hull# 334



LPG tank box




Protected gas pipe

msn-bertieb bassett wrote on May 7, '07
We were thinking of putting the box, similar to yours into the aft cockpit locker, and tapping into the cockpit drain pipe for the gas box.
Running a copper pipe to the cooker, from the bottle is a bit of a major job, meaning drilling at least one bulkhead, and supporting it so there is little vibration.
Bertram B Basset
Scotland UK
jespermilling wrote on May 7, '07
This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.
jespermilling wrote on May 7, '07
Here is a link to an instruction on the danish Ballad Club Website, on the subject. It's in danish, but the drawings are good. I have a sytem like this, and only the ventilation is not so good. Questions are welcome.
msn-patentnick1 wrote on May 8, '07
Hi to all:
I've just posted a new link. It's the Boat Safety Scheme's website which has a guide book regarding safety procedures and proper marine installation of various components.
Chapter 7 is about LPG. 
Moments of Clarity hull#334
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