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Blog EntryNov 18, '05 4:41 PM
by aballport for everyone
Hi, does anyone have the poblem of water dripping from the openings of the conduits running through the deck? I have a bad one in the sliding cupboard behind the stove, and lesser ones in the head and hanging locker.

Tony Allport

msn-larry's pal wrote on Nov 18, '05
Hi Tony,
I suspect that you are having deck leaks at verious point into the core and then coming into the cabin. I have leaks around the chainplates and the window frames. Suggest you check all deck fittings and use sealant around any suspects. Good luck.
Larry's Pal
msn-patentnick1 wrote on Nov 21, '05

Hi Tony:


Yes, your leaks are most likely due to improper installation of hardware at the deck level.  There're lots of ways that water can enter the deck core--just think of how many bolts are used to fasten the genoa tracks. Does the deck make creaking sounds when you step on it? If not, then you’re lucky; simply pull out what you may think is not properly bedded and re-bed it, preferably using the epoxy-plug method.  However, if there’re creaking sounds, then it’s time for more drastic measures. Let me know what the case is and I’ll send some info on how to deal with it.  The problem with water in the conduits is that the wires eventually turn green and lose some of their conductivity (tinned wire wasn’t used very often back then). There’re solutions to this but you’ll have to tell me how good/bad your situation is.  At any rate, don't let it get too bad.  I speak from experience.


msn-aballport wrote on Nov 23, '05
Thank you for the offer to help Nicholas. My decks are indeed a bit crispy sounding and there are also two rather large blister like areas on the under side of the fore deck at the beginning of the cabin. I suspect that I may have to replace some of the core material, although I am trying not to think about it. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

Tony Allport
msn-patentnick1 wrote on Nov 23, '05
In the "Hull and Deck" section of this site you'll find two notes I've posted titled "soft deck" and "installing deck hardware".
The work may seem a handful but it's actually very straightforward and you'll be rewarded with a really solid deck and no
leaks from either hardware or conduits. I'm my view, you don't need to replace any core material--that would be major surgery. 
If you have any questions regarding all this, please don't hesitate to contact me.
P.S. Anytime I feel  like I'm spending a bit too much time and effort on my Ballad, I remind myself that they don't make boats
like this anymore--at least not in this length and price range. A Ballad is really worth keeping.
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