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Blog EntryFeb 21, '08 9:28 AM
by Jesper for everyone
The first Ballad was the Joker S30. I saw one this summer, and took this picture:

Joker S30 to the left, Ballad 1200 to the rigth. The Joker seems a little higer, at least at the sides.

We Also saw the Danish produced Albin Ballad MkII


Notive how the cabinroof seems to be longer and higher at the front, allowing more space below, and room for a proper hatch.


Jesper Milling

msn-x-79 wrote on Feb 21, '08
Hello Jesper
I쨈m sorry to say but i do not belive that theese pictures is a Joker or a danish ballad because the maststep is on the roof.
jespermilling wrote on Feb 21, '08
Hi Urban
Well, don't be sorry. I would not be sorrry if I was wrong, it has happened before, and it will happen again. But I wouldn't like it.
The Joker is described on this website, and I think by the pictures it is obvious, that the mast was indeed standinng on the roof.
The Ballad MkII however might be a mistake. Here is one for sale, that does not look like the one I photographed. It has the mast stepped on the keel, and the original front of the cabin roof. But notice the characteristic stribes on the side:
Maybe someone can help me with the Mk II. I feel very certain it is a Ballad. I took the picture in Troense, Denmark.
msn-ballad775 wrote on Feb 21, '08
I can't comment on the Danish Ballad, although I think I've seen pictures of Ballads with mast free interiors, but it would seem at least some Joker S30s certainly had a maststep on the roof, as shown in the pictures here
msn-roaringforties70 wrote on Feb 24, '08
Dear Jesper,
we have a danish Ballad - I think I have mentioned it here in MSN Exchange when I tried to get confirmation about our building number.
In fact it seems that only the main sail is indicating the number.
It is No. 2007 and it is a Ballad Mk3 build in Ega by Shipman in 1983.
Our ships first(?) name was Vitesse and the recent owner named it Eskapade.
Attached there is a picture taken in 2006.
If anyone is interested in more details please send an email.

If anyone nows more owners with Ballads from Shipman I would be very interested to get contact to.

Best regards to all,
see you somewhere in the baltic

Attachment: CIMG2204.JPG
jespermilling wrote on Feb 24, '08

Well I have to admit, I was wrong about the ”new Ballad”, with the new deckhouse front. The MK III version has the original deckhouse. That is obvious. Thanks for clearing it up.

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