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Blog EntryApr 8, '10 4:04 PM
by Torleiv for everyone
Hi Jesper!
I am an interested reader of the Ballad Exchange. Thanks for the work you have done providing us with this site.
However, I am wondering about all the photos missing, probably lost in the conversion to Multiply. Does these photos still exist? Would it be possible to redo the links so that the photos appear in the right subject?
If this is a matter of redoing links manually - I can see there will be a lot of work - But I have two strong arms - I can help :-)

jespermilling wrote on Apr 8, '10
I am afraid photos are automatically deleted by Multiply after a number of weeks or months. I am not sure about this, but Multiply is not a service intended for collecting and preserving knowledge, it´s a social service for sharing the latest news, and the latest pictures, not pictures from 3 years ago. This is one reason Multiply has no limit for the number of photos you upload. Another reason is they sell prints and album books of peoples pictures. I am really sorry about this, and I have often considered finding a new service for Ballad Exchange, but the only safe way of collecting the kind of knowledge we have been collecting untill MSN Groups was closed, is by buying the needed space, and building a new system from scratch, possibly using a CMS software like JOOMLA. If anyone wants to do this, I hae no objections. My wife and I sold our ballad last year, so my personal motivation is somewhat reduced, but I might just do it myself one day, since it was always very satisfying to see how much Ballad Exchange was used, and how much valuable experience was collected. How to pay for the necessary space on a server will have to be worked out, but I would not like to see Ballad Exchange access restricted by charging admission fees. Maybe advertising could do it, or voluntary donations. I hope this was informative, even though not very good news.
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