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Blog EntryJul 9, '12 7:26 AM
by Nicholas for everyone

Hi to all:

With less than a week before launching, I was about to position and bolt the hull anode when I bumped my collar bone into the recently burnished prop. I paid no attention until I saw red--literally. At first, I thought that I had somehow tipped the can of red paint that I use to mark the anchor chain. Then I noticed the unopened can at my feet and realized that the stuff that was trickling down my chest wasn't enamel. Fortunately, a few minutes of applying pressure to the cut stopped the flow (giving me just enough time to take a photo).  Later, a quick dip in the Aegean washed off the evidence.


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markryan1981 wrote on Jul 11
Dangerous business looking after your Ballad. Look on the bright side, at least you CAN jump in the sea, if I did that on the Medway (off of the Thames) in England, I'd end up with some sort of disease...!
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