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Blog EntryMar 18, '08 11:23 AM
by Jesper for everyone

Sorry! My first posting on this issue did not turn out good, so I deleted it.

Working the whinches was always a pain in heavy wind when tacking. So I installed a couple of Barton Winchers, and a couple of wedgeshaped bases. After our easter cruise I will return with a report on the usefullness of both. Here are two pictures showing you what I am talking about:



msn-basinet wrote on Mar 19, '08
Hi Jesper,
Have used the Winchers in a couple of places and they work well. Just a note of caution, salt water will creep in around the top and corrosion will start very quickly.  It took me a little time to notice this as I was being a little careless with a fesh water wash down after sailing.
jespermilling wrote on Mar 23, '08
Hi Dan
Thanks for the tip. We usually never wash the boat in fresh water after sailing. We always have a number of bottles with drinking water, filled from a tap, and maybe we should make a habit of pouring a little fresh water from oneof those bottles over the winchers after each sail?
We just returned from our easter trip, and the winchers did indeed turn out to be very usefull. They do not unload the rope automatically, so they are not as fast as real selftailing whinches, but they sure do hold on to the rope,and you may work the handle with both hands, and for every half revolution of the winch, you pull out the rope at the top, very easily.
The new position og the winches was a relief too, no burning your hands on the windbreakers. But you may feel the whinch in your back when seated right in front of it, if you lean back a little.
A video from our easter trip is comming up.
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